Our History
60 years of problem solving

Problem Solving and Testing Era

Vibro-Acoustics was founded as a division of Douglas Engineering Ltd. when Frank Guenther advised that noise and vibration needed to be solved using the integrated systems approach. Vibro-Acoustics focused on solving and testing existing noise problems while considering aerodynamics and the impact to the system.
Late 60s
2nd Generation Acoustic-Aerodynamic Lab. Vibro-Acoustics’ second-generation lab was the largest independent one of its kind in Canada. Along with our own product development, we carried out tests for HVAC and architectural suppliers.
Continued Industry Leadership. Vibro-Acoustics leads the industry in the development of products which included high transmission loss silencer walls and elbow silencers.
Product Design and Manufacturing Era
Acquisition by Burgess Industries. Dr. Burgess was the inventor of Burgess circular silencers for engines and compressors, batteries and acoustic ceilings. Burgess was interested in Vibro-Acoustics because of the technical application knowledge, designs and successful installations for noise control packages that included silencers, enclosures and vibration isolation.
Growth and Expansion Era Vibro-Acoustics Acquires BVA Manufacturing, LTD.
Vibro-Acoustics expanded through a network of licensees. More engineers could benefit with fit-the-system, optimized (space, energy, cost) noise control solutions by using our application engineering lay-in service. To support growth and manufacture close to project sites for better communication, project management and lower costs, they acquired BVA Manufacturing, Ltd.
End-Result Guarantee. Through the lay-in service, we were able to provide the end-result guarantee. Our Noise control solutions were guaranteed that they would work, as designed, in the built environment.
Improved Acoustic Lab. A more flexible acoustic-aerodynamic lab was built to permit the testing of a much wider range of products and systems.

Technical Leadership and Flexibility Era
New acoustic-aerodynamic test lab
NVLAP Accreditation (Lab Code: 100424-0) Our lab was upgraded to be the world’s first NVLAP accredited laboratory (Lab Code: 100424-0) for silencer testing. . Learn about our testing facility.
Late 90s
New President
Frank Guenther retires and Brian Guenther becomes President of Vibro-Acoustics.
Vibro-Acoustics Thrives. A Nevada manufacturing facility was added to support a growing sales rep network and market need for noise control.

Expansion and Innovation Era
Vibro-Acoustics Creates a Vibration Isolation and Restraint Systems Division. With technical knowledge and years of experience, Vibro-Acoustics begins developing labor saving solutions for engineers and contractors.
2010s to Today
Superior Customer Service and Greater Buildings Era

Vibro-Acoustics Acquired by Swegon Group
Latour Group acquires Vibro-Acoustics through Swegon Group. Swegon Group is a market leader in ventilation and indoor climate systems. Vibro-Acoustics leadership, innovations and application engineering services were a natural fit for their portfolio. Through Vibro-Acoustics, Swegon expands to North America.
New President
After 30 years with Vibro-Acoustics, Brian Guenther retires. Jeff Bayley becomes President of Vibro-Acoustics and Swegon North America.
Vibro-Acoustics continues to provide exceptional service and solutions through our Lay-in Service. Our Lay-in Service continues to apply the the Integrated Systems Approach for aerodynamic noise control solutions. We continue to test solutions and offer the end-result guarantee.