Exhaust Systems
Exhaust systems are used in a variety of applications, from healthcare to commercial construction. Most exhaust systems move large volumes of air at high velocities requiring high static pressures. Noise is an important consideration in designing these systems since excessive noise may cause local municipal property line noise by law infractions.
Garage Ventilation

Garage ventilation is very critical since carbon monoxide accumulation can be deadly. However, these fans are loud and the noise levels at shaft outlets may be high enough to cause noise complaints, especially if they open in a public place or residential area.

Vibro-acoustics custom designed solutions for garage ventilation noise control can be a combination of silencers and absorption panels to meet the required sound criteria, usually 45dB for residential and commercial applications. Fiberglass cloth liners and water drains can be added to the silencers to make sure that the moisture does not get into the media.

Garage ventilation shafts are usually large in cross section. Rigging, inserting and adjusting banks of multiple silencers can often be labor intensive and time consuming for contractors. An elaborate load bearing structure is required to hold the heavy silencer banks into place and all silencers need to be lined up and nose clips attached once the banks are in place.

Instead of adding banks of silencers, Vibro-acoustics designs full height splitters that go directly into the shaft. These splitters do not have any casing since the concrete shaft walls act as casing. These baffles can easily be rigged into the shafts and aligned using channels mounted on the floor and at the top of the shaft. This saves a lot of labor for the contractors.
Laboratory Exhaust

In certain industrial and commercial applications, air or other gases need to be discharged into the air while maintaining a certain noise criterion. Requirement is to:
- Be compliant with the architectural requirements of the project
- Comply with noise criteria
- Be made of materials that will withstand exposure to the elements
- Be able to withstand any adverse conditions the gases being discharged is subject to
- Be able to withstand seismic/wind loads
- May need an access ladder and cat walk
- Install stacks on fans or air handling units

Vibro-Acoustics designs and manufactures stack silencers for different applications. The stacks can be built to the required surface finish, paint and material like stainless steel, aluminum, passivated continues welds etc. Vibro-Acoustics also provides curb to go with the stacks and they can be rated to local seismic and wind load codes with OSHA compliant ladders and catwalks as required. Various material and construction options are available to cope with the project requirements. The stacks can be designed to go on top of fans and air handling units. The stacks can be finished to be aesthetically pleasing and in harmony with the building finish.
Kitchen Exhaust

Kitchen exhaust contains grease and other fluids that can accumulate in the media and become a fire hazard.

Vibro-Acoustics’ No-Media silencers do not contain any media. Rather, they rely on tuned chambers that operate on Helmholtz resonance principle.
Dust Collectors

Dust collectors remove particulates from gases before they can be exhausted into the atmosphere. With regular silencers, there is a potential for particulate buildup.

Vibro-Acoustics’ No-Media silencers do not contain any media. Rather they rely on tuned chambers that operate on Helmholtz resonance principle. Enclosures can also be designed around the dust collector with access doors to prevent radiated noise from escaping the occupied space. Cleanable silencers with replaceable media can also be provided.