Our Testing Facility
We began our journey as technical leaders in HVAC noise control with our first aero-acoustic laboratory in the early 1960s.

We are pioneers in HVAC Acoustics and Aerodynamics
Our aero-acoustic testing laboratory has been evolving since the early 1960’s.
The 4th generation aero-acoustic laboratory was the world’s first NVLAP accredited laboratory (Lab Code: 100424-0) for the testing of silencers.
Vibro-Acoustics maintained industry leadership with its 5th generation accredited facility. The 6th generation facility is slated to build on the legacy of previous generations and broaden the range of test capabilities
Many manufacturers employ test facilities to maximize catalog ratings based on ideal lab conditions. We run our testing facility to understand product ratings in both ideal and real conditions to ensure that the right data is used on a system-specific basis. We pride ourselves on providing energy-efficient HVAC noise control solutions with an end result guarantee. To meet our high standards our data has to be right every time so that we can guarantee our solutions will work, as designed, in the built environment.

What we test for:
- Insertion loss based on the ASTM E477 test standard
- Airflow generated noise based on the ASTM E477 test standard
- Aerodynamic pressure drop based on the ASTM E477 test standard
- Sound power based on the ANSI/ASA S12.51 test standard
- Aerodynamic system effect pressure drop based on the ASTM E477 and AMCA 210 test standard methodologies
- Sound power based on the ANSI/AHRI 260 test standard
- Sound pressure level for equipment based on the ANSI/AHRI test standard
- Transmission loss based on the ASTM E90 test standard
- Pressure testing based on the ASME N511 test standard
- Airflow performance testing based on the ANSI/ASHRAE 70 test standard
- Specialized testing to meet project-specific requirements by duplicating field conditions in the laboratory (mock-up test)
- Specialized testing to determine product performance for acoustic and aerodynamic properties, based on test methods developed in-house, determined from the extensive experience of Vibro-Acoustics personnel and industry best practice