Chillers are one of the noisiest pieces of equipment used in commercial buildings, especially air-cooled chillers, which move a lot of air through the condenser fans. Chillers may be placed on roofs or intermediate roofs with office windows next to them. Chillers can be a noise problem with the condenser fans and compressors generating a lot of noise. In fact, the noise can be high enough for the building owner to be in contravention of the Municipal Noise By-Law regulations. This means that the building owners can be fined, sued or both of the noise problems are not resolved.
Fan Noise
Low Static Pressure on Condenser Fans

Axial fans on chiller condensers do not have a lot of static available to them. Silencers selected off a catalogue cannot work with these fans because the pressure drop with system effects might choke the fans and cause the chiller to malfunction.

Vibro-Acoustics chiller condenser fan silencers are specifically designed with a low static pressure drop so that chiller operation is not compromised for want of air flow.
Radiated Noise

Vibro-Acoustic have designed barriers and enclosures for chillers that ensure that noise does not become a menace to nearby occupants. In some cases, whole enclosures have been designed and manufactured with silencers at the intake and discharge of the chiller. The chiller manufacturer’s concerns for air flow were addressed to the extent that the warranty was honored.