Commercial and industrial buildings contain noisy machineries such as cooling towers, roof top units, generators or large industrial blowers.
Sometimes invasive mechanical noise is discovered after a building is constructed when building or nearby occupants complain. As part of your team, we are committed to helping you fix noise problems for projects that have been completed or are in active service.
Partner up
We work with Acoustical Consultants on solving noise control issues. Locate an Acoustical Consultant near you.

End-Result Guarantee. We ensure that the noise issue will be resolved in operation.
Who can take advantage of our Retrofit Service?
Design/Build contractors
looking to resolve existing noise issues at the best cost.
Dealing with unaccounted noise in either design or active buildings.
Equipment manufacturers
looking for an integrated solution to enhance their product.
Industrial owners
preventing fines and lawsuits from new noisy machinery and processes.
Building owners
mandated to test loud emergency power systems near residential areas.
The Value of Vibro-Acoustics Retrofit Service.
We will cover every detail to make noise control solutions that fit your needs.

Optimal cost for the best project-specific solution
Through analysis we determine how much noise control is required. This eliminates the risk of over- or under-designing solutions.

Least disruption to occupants and surroundings
We design noise control solutions that works with the current environment. The details can be worked out between our application engineer, building owners, contractors and acoustician to ensure an easy-to-install solution that works.

Labor saving installation costs
We work with contractors to help ease installation pains. We consider everything from shipping knock-down assemblies to carrying products through narrow pathways to adding flanges easy fan installation.

Other Considerations
We will meet special material and fabrication requirements to meet requisite architectural finishes and/or seismic and wind factors.
We Stand by Our Solutions
Eliminate risk with the End Result Guarantee. When properly implemented, we guarantee that our solution will work in the built environment. If you need assurance that your project will not have an HVAC noise related issue, our retrofit service will provide that to you.